In this edition of Food Inspiration magazine we have spoken to several industry and thought leaders about the middle to long term effects of the current COVID-19 crisis. What will social distancing look like in restaurants? How will our behaviour change when it comes to making food choices? Will the world ever go back to the way it was, and do we even want it to? We hope to provide you with at least some of the answers to these difficult questions. Our thoughts are still with you as we navigate these unknown waters. Stay safe, and stay strong.

Food Inspiration magazine edition 50, June 2020

Stories in times of COVID-19

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© Floris Heuer

in this edition

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In this edition of Food Inspiration magazine we have spoken to several industry and thought leaders about the middle to long term effects of the current COVID-19 crisis. What will social distancing look like in restaurants? How will our behaviour change when it comes to making food choices? Will the world ever go back to the way it was, and do we even want it to? We hope to provide you with at least some of the answers to these difficult questions. Our thoughts are still with you as we navigate these unknown waters. Stay safe, and stay strong.

Stories in times of COVID-19

Food Inspiration magazine edition 50, June 2020

Overview magazines

Food Inspiration Magazine is the online magazine for foodservice professionals in search of inspiration and innovation. With the magazine we collect, enrich and spread inspiration. The free subscription magazine is published eight times per year and is an abundant source of inspiration for food and hospitality professionals. Our readers can be found in the U.S., Northern Europe, Latin America and Asia.