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© Nina Slagmolen, I-Dock

Independent restaurants have taken a knockout punch from the COVID-19 pandemic. They need help. In this edition we’re reimagining independent restaurants. We’ve spoken to experts about challenges and opportunities going forward, and have lined up some grim numbers to show the extent of the crisis. We’re also exploring the digital space and the new frontier of ghost kitchens and we’re analyzing pivots for valuable lessons. Restaurants have been forced to adapt, but there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. We hope to show you some of it.

Food Inspiration magazine edition 59, March 2021

Reimagening independent restaurants

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© Nina Slagmolen, I-Dock

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In this edition

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Independent restaurants have taken a knockout punch from the COVID-19 pandemic. They need help. In this edition we’re reimagining independent restaurants. We’ve spoken to experts about challenges and opportunities going forward, and have lined up some grim numbers to show the extent of the crisis. We’re also exploring the digital space and the new frontier of ghost kitchens and we’re analyzing pivots for valuable lessons. Restaurants have been forced to adapt, but there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. We hope to show you some of it.

Reimagening independent restaurants

Food Inspiration magazine edition 59, March 2021

Overview magazines

Food Inspiration Magazine is the online magazine for foodservice professionals in search of inspiration and innovation. With the magazine we collect, enrich and spread inspiration. The free subscription magazine is published eight times per year and is an abundant source of inspiration for food and hospitality professionals. Our readers can be found in the U.S., Northern Europe, Latin America and Asia.