Zucchini flower

Green pepper

Black garlic


Red beet



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The beauty of dumped food

Vegetable art

Moniek de Jongh & Maaike de Reuver   Anne Mason-Hoerter  Xiao Er Kong

Strolling through her local supermarket, Canadian photographer Anne Mason-Hoerter noticed huge amounts of vegetables and other edible foods are thrown away every day. Too "old" to be sold, but beautiful in terms of variation in colors and shapes. Her photo series Supermarket Food shows the uniqueness of dumped vegetables and portrays them in full glory.

photo serie

  1 min

Red cabbage

Black garlic

Zucchini flower

Green pepper


Red beet



Moniek de Jongh & Maaike de Reuver   Anne Mason-Hoerter  Xiao Er Kong

Strolling through her local supermarket, Canadian photographer Anne Mason-Hoerter noticed huge amounts of vegetables and other edible foods are thrown away every day. Too "old" to be sold, but beautiful in terms of variation in colors and shapes. Her photo series Supermarket Food shows the uniqueness of dumped vegetables and portrays them in full glory.

The beauty of dumped food

Vegetable art

Offline: This content can only be displayed when online.

  1 min

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Food Inspiration Magazine is the online magazine for foodservice professionals in search of inspiration and innovation. With the magazine we collect, enrich and spread inspiration. The free subscription magazine is published eight times per year and is an abundant source of inspiration for food and hospitality professionals. Our readers can be found in the U.S., Northern Europe, Latin America and Asia.