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Flavor experiment
For the Dutch edition of Food Inspiration Magazine we did a little experiment, obviously following the highest rigors of science ;).

Paul Pairet’s restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai remains at the vanguard of multisensory food experiences. We visited the restaurant way back for edition 22 of Food Inspiration magazine International. In case you missed that, here’s the video of this unbelievable experience, as a little taste of what further advances in gastrophysics might bring us.

Bonus videos


  11 min

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Bonus videos

Flavor experiment
For the Dutch edition of Food Inspiration Magazine we did a little experiment, obviously following the highest rigors of science ;).

Paul Pairet’s restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai remains at the vanguard of multisensory food experiences. We visited the restaurant way back for edition 22 of Food Inspiration magazine International. In case you missed that, here’s the video of this unbelievable experience, as a little taste of what further advances in gastrophysics might bring us.

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  11 min

Overview magazines

Food Inspiration Magazine is the online magazine for foodservice professionals in search of inspiration and innovation. With the magazine we collect, enrich and spread inspiration. The free subscription magazine is published eight times per year and is an abundant source of inspiration for food and hospitality professionals. Our readers can be found in the U.S., Northern Europe, Latin America and Asia.