If we are to have a future,
I am taking back control.
the real you.
my heart is heavy
Maybe this time, we will do it right.
Changing will hurt.
This has to end.
I depended on you
It breaks my heart.
You became destructive
Where you have no right to be.
fairy tales.
You were my world.
Dear Plastic,
I need to tell you something. But before I do, I want you to know that my heart is heavy writing to you. I cannot pretend our relationship meant nothing to me.
You were my world.
Yet, over the years I have come to realize that our relationship is built on fairy tales.
You are not what you pretend to be.
I know this pandemic has polished your image, but I have seen the real you.
Popping up in places where you should not be.
Where you have no right to be.
Instead of supporting me, you poisoned the world we built together.
You became destructive, harmful, and damaging. Maybe you have always been.
You are tearing us apart, and our world is crumbling.
It breaks my heart.
I always trusted you, always relied on you without question.
I depended on you, became dependent on you.
You could even say I am addicted.
This has to end.
We need to change.
I am taking back control. I am moving on.
There is room for you where I am going, but not like this.
Changing will hurt. It will leave some scars.
It would be so much easier to go back to how things used to be.
But I know that way will not last.
I know nothing good will come of it.
If we are to have a future,
we must be mindful of our past
Maybe it is time we started over.
Maybe this time, we will do it right.
2 min
Dear Plastic,
I need to tell you something. But before I do, I want you to know that my heart is heavy writing to you. I cannot pretend our relationship meant nothing to me.
You were my world.
Yet, over the years I have come to realize that our relationship is built on fairy tales.
You are not what you pretend to be.
I know this pandemic has polished your image, but I have seen the real you.
Popping up in places where you should not be.
Where you have no right to be.
Instead of supporting me, you poisoned the world we built together.
You became destructive, harmful, and damaging. Maybe you have always been.
You are tearing us apart, and our world is crumbling.
It breaks my heart.
I always trusted you, always relied on you without question.
I depended on you, became dependent on you.
You could even say I am addicted.
This has to end.
We need to change.
I am taking back control. I am moving on.
There is room for you where I am going, but not like this.
Changing will hurt. It will leave some scars.
It would be so much easier to go back to how things used to be.
But I know that way will not last.
I know nothing good will come of it.
If we are to have a future,
we must be mindful of our past
Maybe it is time we started over.
Maybe this time, we will do it right.
2 min