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Feminine focus 

Embrace the healing force. Don't destroy things because it makes money. Keep good stuff going. Respect Mother Earth and she will give us back everything we need. We can create a Paradise here. 


We can win for the good of all, when we experience the power of love. Love heals and dissolves boundaries. If we restore the connection between nature and man we will be able to create a better world. It can be done, it is possible. 


We have to have faith in our success. All forces in society - masculine and feminine - must merge to make a fairer distribution of what Mother Earth produces, now and in the future. 


We need hope. We need to cooperate with nature rather than dominate and destroy it. A green apple on a barren branch shows us the way. There is time, nature cooperates as soon as she gets the chance.


We do not treat Mother Earth with justice. Are we blind to the consequences of our behaviour? Justice must open our eyes.


Are we crucifying ourselves through our relentless greed? What should be tweaked in the system to push our greed in the right direction? When will we be able to factor ecological damage into the cost price of a product? And value ecological services correctly? In a way that polluters pay and healing forces are rewarded.

We should start thinking transcendently. Will it be possible to start seeing the bigger picture and based on those insights adjust our behavior and system? Can we find new leaders who will move into the future in the right way?

Our planet has been there for 4,543,000,000,000 years. Human beings have existed for only 300,000 years.

Compared to the age of Mother Earth, we’re not even teenagers; we’re babies. Annoying toddlers who won't listen and constantly start tantrums. Uninhibited, undisciplined. We need to develop, to move forward. And fast. We must listen to the admonitions and warnings of Mother Earth. If we don’t she’ll really get pissed off and all hell will break loose. 

We need a different way of thinking. There is plenty of knowledge but so little wisdom. Can we move past our own interests? Communal interests, our national interests? We need to change our attitude. Just as Galileo Galilei showed mankind that we’re not the center of our solar system, we now need a eureka moment about the fact that we’re not the center of our planet. We do not own the planet; we are guests here.  

Male focus

We misdirect our attention. Our masculine power, our focus on the short term, breaks down, bends that which is straight. 

The power of love will lift us to a higher level 

Artist Rezvani shows the healing power of man and nature 

Artist Rahi Rezvani has been creating images for Food Inspiration for over twelve years. This year Hans Steenbergen asked him to create a photo series that connects to themes of current time. A series that shows that we need to evolve from an ego system to an ecosystem. The power of artists is their way of thinking differently, being more sensitive and having a different understanding of reality. This is also evident in this photo series. The pictures created by Rezvani depict the way we should practice self-discipline and shouldn't give in to our weaknesses. What makes us humans special is the power of love, which should help us take a step forward - into a better world. 

Hans Steenbergen   Rahi Rezvani  Xiao Er Kong

photo series

 3 min

Artist Rahi Rezvani has been creating images for Food Inspiration for over twelve years. This year Hans Steenbergen asked him to create a photo series that connects to themes of current time. A series that shows that we need to evolve from an ego system to an ecosystem. The power of artists is their way of thinking differently, being more sensitive and having a different understanding of reality. This is also evident in this photo series. The pictures created by Rezvani depict the way we should practice self-discipline and shouldn't give in to our weaknesses. What makes us humans special is the power of love, which should help us take a step forward - into a better world. 

Hans Steenbergen   Rahi Rezvani  Xiao Er Kong

Feminine focus 

Embrace the healing force. Don't destroy things because it makes money. Keep good stuff going. Respect Mother Earth and she will give us back everything we need. We can create a Paradise here. 


We can win for the good of all, when we experience the power of love. Love heals and dissolves boundaries. If we restore the connection between nature and man we will be able to create a better world. It can be done, it is possible. 


We have to have faith in our success. All forces in society - masculine and feminine - must merge to make a fairer distribution of what Mother Earth produces, now and in the future. 


We need hope. We need to cooperate with nature rather than dominate and destroy it. A green apple on a barren branch shows us the way. There is time, nature cooperates as soon as she gets the chance.


We do not treat Mother Earth with justice. Are we blind to the consequences of our behaviour? Justice must open our eyes.


Are we crucifying ourselves through our relentless greed? What should be tweaked in the system to push our greed in the right direction? When will we be able to factor ecological damage into the cost price of a product? And value ecological services correctly? In a way that polluters pay and healing forces are rewarded.

Male focus

We misdirect our attention. Our masculine power, our focus on the short term, breaks down, bends that which is straight. 

We should start thinking transcendently. Will it be possible to start seeing the bigger picture and based on those insights adjust our behavior and system? Can we find new leaders who will move into the future in the right way?

Our planet has been there for 4,543,000,000,000 years. Human beings have existed for only 300,000 years.

Compared to the age of Mother Earth, we’re not even teenagers; we’re babies. Annoying toddlers who won't listen and constantly start tantrums. Uninhibited, undisciplined. We need to develop, to move forward. And fast. We must listen to the admonitions and warnings of Mother Earth. If we don’t she’ll really get pissed off and all hell will break loose. 

We need a different way of thinking. There is plenty of knowledge but so little wisdom. Can we move past our own interests? Communal interests, our national interests? We need to change our attitude. Just as Galileo Galilei showed mankind that we’re not the center of our solar system, we now need a eureka moment about the fact that we’re not the center of our planet. We do not own the planet; we are guests here.  

The power of love will lift us to a higher level 

Artist Rezvani shows the healing power of man and nature 

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 3 min

Overview magazines

Food Inspiration Magazine is the online magazine for foodservice professionals in search of inspiration and innovation. With the magazine we collect, enrich and spread inspiration. The free subscription magazine is published eight times per year and is an abundant source of inspiration for food and hospitality professionals. Our readers can be found in the U.S., Northern Europe, Latin America and Asia.